Episodic Genius

occurring occasionally and at irregular intervals

Neutron Address Scopes

An exciting new feature was just merged to Openstack Neutron in the Mitaka release; it’s called address scopes. Address scopes build from subnet pools added in Kilo. While subnet pools give us a mechanism for controlling the allocation of addresses to subnets, address scopes give Neutron a way to know where addresses are viable. They are also the thing within which addresses are not allowed to overlap.

If you’re unfamiliar with them, you might want to review subnet pools before you read on.

Why you need them

When Neutron began, users were expected to specify addresses on their own when creating subnets. I call this “bring your own addressing” or BYOA. This is not ideal for a couple of reasons.

  1. It put a burden on end users to manage their address usage.
  2. It made it impossible to know where addresses are viable.

The first limitation was solved with the addition of subnet pools in Kilo.

The second limitation effectively led to the decision to NAT everything between tenant networks and the external network in Neutron routers. Think about it this way, the cloud operator has no way of knowing where the addresses on the tenant networks came from, so the only valid assumption to make is that they’re all private addresses and are not viable anywhere else.

So, what if I want to route tenant networks on the external network? First tenants have to disable NAT on their routers. Second, I have to trust that tenants are all using the right addresses.

With address scopes, I can set up the address scopes for tenants to pull addresses from. Then, since Neutron routers understand address scopes, they won’t NAT between these networks and my external network as long as the scopes match. They’ll just do straight routing.

How it works

Anyone can create an address scope. Admins can create shared address scopes seen by all tenants.

Access to addresses in a scope is managed through subnet pools. You can create a subnet pool in an address scope or you can update existing subnet pools to belong to a scope.

It may be useful to add more than one subnet pool to an address scope if the pools have different owners. This allows delegation of parts of the address scope. Address overlap is prevented across the whole scope so you will get an error if two pools have some of the same address ranges in them.

A Neutron router connects at least a couple of networks. Each router interface is associated with an address scope by looking at the subnets on the network its connected to. The router internally marks all traffic connections originating from each interface with the corresponding address scope to track it. If traffic tries to leave an interface in the wrong scope, it is blocked.

When a router connects to two networks with the same address scope, it knows that these networks can be routed without any kind of address translation. Also, since subnet pools are part of the foundation of address scopes, Neutron knows that all of the addresses in use within an address scope are unique and legitimate from the address scope owner’s point of view.

No Scope

Neutron preserves backwards compatibility with pre-Mitaka Neutron. You won’t notice any difference until you decide to begin using them so you won’t be forced to change your behavior.

When subnets are not explicitly part of an address scope, they are considered to be part of what I am now calling the “no scope” scope. This scope is different in a few ways to preserve backwards compatibility.

  1. Unlimited address overlap is allowed.
  2. Neutron routers, by default, will NAT traffic from internal networks to external networks even if they are all in this scope (unless snat is disabled for the router.)
  3. This scope isn’t visible through the API. It won’t show up when you list address scopes and you can’t show details. It exists only implicitly to catch all addresses which aren’t explicitly scoped.


Even though Mitaka has not been released, you can play with this new feature as long as you have a recent pre-release copy of Neutron code running. A new devstack should do but you might need to update your neutron client to something on the bleeding edge.

Let’s give it a try…

NOTE: I trim a lot of irrelevant fields from the output of these
commands just for brevity and to avoid distracting you with too many

Admin Commands

First, as admin, I’ll create a couple of shared address scopes:

admin> neutron address-scope-create --shared address-scope-ip6 6
Created a new address_scope:
| Field      | Value                                |
| id         | 13b83fb2-beb4-4533-9e12-4bf9a5721ef5 |
| ip_version | 6                                    |
| name       | address-scope-ip6                    |
| shared     | True                                 |
admin> neutron address-scope-create --shared address-scope-ip4 4
Created a new address_scope:
| Field      | Value                                |
| id         | 97702525-e145-40c8-8c8f-d415930d12ce |
| ip_version | 4                                    |
| name       | address-scope-ip4                    |
| shared     | True                                 |

Next, we’ll create subnet pools much like in my subnet pool post. The one important difference here is that I specify the name of the address scope that the subnet pool should belong to. If you have existing subnet pools, you can use the subnet-pool-update command to put them in to a new address scope.

admin> neutron subnetpool-create --address-scope address-scope-ip6 \
       --shared --pool-prefix 2001:db8:a583::/48 --default-prefixlen 64 \
Created a new subnetpool:
| Field             | Value                                |
| address_scope_id  | 13b83fb2-beb4-4533-9e12-4bf9a5721ef5 |
| default_prefixlen | 64                                   |
| id                | 14813344-d11a-4896-906c-e4c378291058 |
| ip_version        | 6                                    |
| name              | subnet-pool-ip6                      |
| prefixes          | 2001:db8:a583::/48                   |
| shared            | True                                 |
admin> neutron subnetpool-create --address-scope address-scope-ip4 \
       --shared --pool-prefix --default-prefixlen 26 \
Created a new subnetpool:
| Field             | Value                                |
| address_scope_id  | 97702525-e145-40c8-8c8f-d415930d12ce |
| default_prefixlen | 26                                   |
| id                | e2c4f12d-307f-4616-a4df-203a45e6cb7f |
| ip_version        | 4                                    |
| name              | subnet-pool-ip4                      |
| prefixes          |                       |
| shared            | True                                 |

Now that these are created, we can create subnets on our external network. (Note: In playing with this early on, I actually used the DB to set the subnet pool of the external network. Your milleage may vary.)

$ neutron subnet-show ipv6-public-subnet
| Field             | Value                                                            |
| cidr              | 2001:db8::/64                                                    |
| enable_dhcp       | False                                                            |
| gateway_ip        | 2001:db8::2                                                      |
| id                | 8e9299bf-5c48-4143-b081-010ba26636a2                             |
| ip_version        | 6                                                                |
| name              | ipv6-public-subnet                                               |
| network_id        | d2ac8578-7e86-4646-849a-afdf5a05fff0                             |
| subnetpool_id     | 14813344-d11a-4896-906c-e4c378291058                             |
$ neutron subnet-show public-subnet
| Field             | Value                                          |
| cidr              |                                  |
| enable_dhcp       | False                                          |
| gateway_ip        |                                     |
| id                | 3c3029d2-8081-4e56-9842-6007ce742860           |
| ip_version        | 4                                              |
| name              | public-subnet                                  |
| network_id        | d2ac8578-7e86-4646-849a-afdf5a05fff0           |
| subnetpool_id     | e2c4f12d-307f-4616-a4df-203a45e6cb7f           |

This completes the portion of the demo that requires admin privileges.

Non-admin Tenant Commands

Let’s start by creating a couple of networks. We’re going to create one the old way, without address scopes. We’ll create the second one using address scopes. Later, this will let us see how routing between the two works.

$ neutron net-create network1
Created a new network:
| Field                   | Value                                |
| id                      | f5a980d9-5521-438e-b831-0ebacba2b372 |
| name                    | network1                             |
| subnets                 |                                      |
$ neutron net-create network2
Created a new network:
| Field                   | Value                                |
| id                      | 438e4f26-0e45-4b26-9797-57d0bd817953 |
| name                    | network2                             |
| subnets                 |                                      |

First, the old way…

$ neutron subnet-create --name subnet-ip4-1 network1
Created a new subnet:
| Field             | Value                                             |
| cidr              |                                   |
| id                | 48ed5c71-2a1d-4f73-b29e-371deec04d44              |
| name              | subnet-ip4-1                                      |
| network_id        | f5a980d9-5521-438e-b831-0ebacba2b372              |
| subnetpool_id     |                                                   |
$ neutron subnet-create --name subnet-ip6-1 network1 \
  --ipv6-ra-mode slaac --ipv6-address-mode slaac \
  --ip_version 6 2001:db8:80d2:c4d3::/64
Created a new subnet:
| Field             | Value                                                                               |
| cidr              | 2001:db8:80d2:c4d3::/64                                                             |
| id                | c9f0bb79-1d7b-435f-b362-05a9a7259aa6                                                |
| name              | subnet-ip6-1                                                                        |
| network_id        | f5a980d9-5521-438e-b831-0ebacba2b372                                                |
| subnetpool_id     |                                                                                     |

… and the new way. Subnet pools make it nice, don’t they?

$ neutron subnet-create --name subnet-ip4-2 \
  --subnetpool subnet-pool-ip4 network2
Created a new subnet:
| Field             | Value                                           |
| cidr              |                                  |
| id                | deb36645-8d46-4c13-a489-1135174d8a8c            |
| name              | subnet-ip4-2                                    |
| network_id        | 438e4f26-0e45-4b26-9797-57d0bd817953            |
| subnetpool_id     | e2c4f12d-307f-4616-a4df-203a45e6cb7f            |
$ neutron subnet-create --name subnet-ip6-2 --ip_version 6 \
  --ipv6-ra-mode slaac --ipv6-address-mode slaac \
  --subnetpool subnet-pool-ip6 network2
Created a new subnet:
| Field             | Value                                                                       |
| cidr              | 2001:db8:a583::/64                                                          |
| id                | b157e288-748e-4c4b-9b2e-8b8e65241036                                        |
| name              | subnet-ip6-2                                                                |
| network_id        | 438e4f26-0e45-4b26-9797-57d0bd817953                                        |
| subnetpool_id     | 14813344-d11a-4896-906c-e4c378291058                                        |

We just need to connect up the router and we’re ready to start looking at what it did.

$ neutron router-interface-add router1 subnet-ip4-1
Added interface 73d832e1-e4a7-4029-9a66-f4e0f4ba0e76 to router router1.
$ neutron router-interface-add router1 subnet-ip4-2
Added interface 94b4cdb2-875d-4ab3-9a6e-803c3626c4d9 to router router1.
$ neutron router-interface-add router1 subnet-ip6-1
Added interface f35c4541-d529-4bd8-af4e-1b069269c263 to router router1.
$ neutron router-interface-add router1 subnet-ip6-2
Added interface f5904a4b-9547-4c08-bc7e-bc5fc71a8db9 to router router1.

What Just Happened?

Okay, at this point you might be wondering what I’ve just done. I’m going to boot two vms, instance1 on network1 and instance2 on network2 and give them some ip addresses. Be sure you adjust your security groups to allow pings and ssh (both IPv4 and IPv6).

$ nova list
| ID           | Name      | Networks                                                                  |
| 97e49c8e-... | instance1 | network1=2001:db8:80d2:c4d3:f816:3eff:fe52:b69f,, |
| ceba9638-... | instance2 | network2=, 2001:db8:a583:0:f816:3eff:fe42:1eeb,     |

Let’s see what we can do. First, regardless of address scopes, I can ping the floating IPs from my external network.

$ ping -c 1
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
$ ping -c 1
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

With just a little bit of routing help, I can actually ping directly in to the internal network2 which is in the same address scope as the external network.

$ sudo ip route add via
$ ping -c 1
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
$ sudo ip route add 2001:db8:a583::/64 via 2001:db8::1
$ ping6 -c 1 2001:db8:a583:0:f816:3eff:fe42:1eeb
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

But, I can’t do that with the other network because the scopes don’t match.

$ sudo ip route add via
$ ping -c 1
1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms
$ sudo ip route add 2001:db8:80d2:c4d3::/64 via 2001:db8::1
$ ping6 -c 1 2001:db8:80d2:c4d3:f816:3eff:fe52:b69f
1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms

In general, you’ll find that if you use address scopes and the scope matches between networks then your pings (and other traffic) route right through. If the scopes don’t match between networks then the router either drops the traffic or it applies NAT to cross scope boundaries. Go ahead and play with it.

Address Scopes in the Future

BGP Dynamic Routing

Another exciting new Neutron feature that is close to completion in Mitaka is BGP dynamic routing announcement. This new feature will essentially turn Neutron in to a BGP speaker. Through its API, you will give Neutron just enough information about your physical routers and how they connect to your Neutron networks. It will then be able to compute the routes and next hops necessary to route in to Neutron internal networks through Neutron logical routers. Address Scopes are a big part of this. Neutron will only consider internal networks which belong to your external address scope for announcement.

It is difficult to imagine integrating BGP without address scopes. With BYOA, we couldn’t just pick up addresses on internal networks and announce them to physical routers because we don’t know that they’re unique, viable on your network, or that tenants are permitted to use them at all.

Routed Networks

BGP will announce floating IPs since they are already intrinsically part the external address scope. You may wonder why we would need this at all. I mean, floating IPs already work in Neutron without BGP, right? Yes, they do, but think about them in the context of the up-coming routed networks work in Neutron. Connecting a Neutron router’s external gateway to a routed network will require routing to the floating IP from the outside. Also, consider how distributed virtual routers fits in to all of this where a router’s logical external gateway port might actually be a number of ports spread across the segments of the routed network. More on that later.